The Broom, Cotton Ball Quizicle

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Username: Your username will be used to login and is the basis for your Writing.Com email address; username@Writing.Com. Your username must be "E" in content rating - it may NOT contain profane, sexual or other adult words that may not be seen by members of all ages. Accounts not in compliance will be removed without prior notice. Note: Usernames must be between 4 and 14 characters and can not be easily changed.

Created by: nin
  1. Pick One
  2. If you had 5 million dollars, what would you do.
  3. Which do you like better?
  4. Which # appeals to you.
  5. Do people like you.
  6. Hello!
  7. Rap or Rock
  8. Are you a Geek Inside
  9. Are you a Really Cool Person Inside
  10. Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road ( Clown Burger)--____0^0---o____--->
  11. Wich Would You like to be
  12. Why?
  13. Find The GCF: 3x + 12x2y3 - 15xy2 + 30000x15y

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