The Best Quiz of All Time

You think you know me....but do you really? Alot of people think they do, but there are many layers too this onion. haha. I'm about to test your knowledge of this crazy delawarean.

Think you'll get a high score? Let's hope so...because I can't promise the lowest percentages have very uplifting results. Show me what you've got! I feel like I should break into song "Hit me with your best shot!" hahahaha - okay, that's enough of that...GO!

Created by: Lauren

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my niece's name?
  2. When was I born?
  3. What was my favorite color as a child?
  4. What hospital was I born in?
  5. Who have I been friends with the longest?
  6. What company made the shirt I was wearing on the night I met you?
  7. What kind of vehicle did I drive before I owned the GrandMa?
  8. Where did I work when I first met you?
  9. I had my tonsils removed at what age?
  10. In what grade did I start wearing glasses?
  11. What shoe size do I wear?
  12. What year did I graduate?
  13. Who is my cousin by choice, not by blood?
  14. Where did we go to dinner with your family the night I surprised you?
  15. What was my nightmare about at Creation?
  16. How many times have I been to Disneyland?
  17. how ready are you to be done this quiz?

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