the amazingly wonderful brie cheese's quiz

Hello... I guess you are here to take the quiz that I have made for you. I'm sure you don't want to have to read what I have to say but you get to anyways. SO HA!!!! :D

You must be a friend of mine to be reading this and everything and then taking this quiz. YAY for you! I hope you score high or else. just kidding. there's nothing i can do about it if you don't score high. :)

Created by: brianna
  1. How old am I? (EASY)
  2. How many pets do I have and what kind are they?
  3. What is my favorite food of all time?
  4. How many siblings do I have? (this is an easy one guyz come on)
  5. When did I get my top braces put on?
  6. Have I ever died my hair and if so how many times and what color?
  7. Who is Keo and how old is she?
  8. What kind of boys do I like... besides the one I like now cuz he's not like that?
  9. Who is my ALL TIME FAVORITE nickelodeon character (as in hottie)? :D teehee
  10. Have I had my first kiss yet (yea that's a personal one that came out of no where)... and if so how old was I and with who?
  11. What is the only type of cheese that I will eat on my grilled cheese sandwhiches?
  12. What is my favorite scented candles?
  13. Where am I going this summer that is going to be AWESOME?????
  14. What happened to my Ipod?
  15. What is my favorite color/color pattern?

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