What kiind of cheese are you

Some of us are only recreational cheese eaters, while some are true conoisseurs of the dairy delight. I am of the latter sort. Cheese is good. I try to celebrate cheese and it's wonderful golden magic at least once daily. I'm the person who buys the big wheels of Edam sold at the grocery store...

I hope you like cheese as much as I do(and I like it A LOT) Cheese is super good, and it's kind of sort of healthy too, right? Well, whatevs, I continue to mange it anyways. Have fun taking this delish quiz everyone!!!!!!!

Created by: Nuala
  1. What is your favorite cheese?
  2. If you could have one thing on a sandwich it would be...
  3. Cheese goes best with...
  4. Cheese should be...
  5. If you could take one thing with you on a desert island it would be...
  6. This so does not go with cheese...
  7. I eat cheese...
  8. In the well known show "Friends" the following character wishes he/she could build a house of cheese...
  9. Cheese rhymes with...
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kiind of cheese am I