The About Brittany Quiz!

This quiz is all about me and my life! Thanks for coming and taking my quiz it means bunches to me! I hope you do well and let me know what your score was!

Good Luck! and i'm sure you cant wait to see how well you really know me! Think hard and i wish you lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of luck!

Created by: Brittany

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which town do i live in?
  2. I have two fish named:
  3. My boyfriend Billy and I have been dating for:
  4. My favorite color is:
  5. My parents are:
  6. I participate in what sport?
  7. My favorite tv show is:
  8. My Top 4 People on Myspace are (don't cheat!):
  9. My Favorite Season is:
  10. My Birthday is:
  11. I wear how many rings?
  12. How many siblings do i have?

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