What veg are you? Go on, have a go... What veg are you? Go on, have a go... What veg are you? Go on, have a go... What veg are you? Go on, have a go...

If you brew beer at home, then you are relying on microscopic yeast that turns sugars into alcohol. But by borrowing DNA from plants, scientists have been genetically engineering yeasts that can perform each of the steps needed to convert sugar into morphine. One stage of the process - the production of an intermediary chemical called reticuline - had been a stumbling block.

Created by: Darren

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. William or Harry?
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  7. asprin or paracetamol?
  8. 3 or 7
  9. ITV or BBC
  10. Car or bike

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