Test your craziness!

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There are many fun people...but only few can be crazy. And the only way to find out is to take this! So...you know...TAKE IT!! Even if you are serious!

Are you crazy? Are you a complete wacko? You should find out!!! It could change your life! So take it! Take the test! Stop reading and take the test!

Created by: Caroline
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why are you taking this quiz?
  2. If somebody walks up to you and steals something VERY VERY VERY important to you, and they are bigger than you, what do you do?
  4. veggies or meat?
  5. Veggies or meat?
  6. A guy walks up to youn in a store and takes something VERY VERY VERY VERY important to you. You...
  7. How crazy are you?
  8. What is your problem?
  9. Do you have a crush?
  10. What color are your eyes?
  11. why are you taking this quiz?
  12. Pick one.
  13. What do you normally wear?

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Quiz topic: Test my craziness!