Do you know Ashton Hatchett?

Im not that special nor am I that important. I simply created a fun quiz to test my friends on how well they think they know me. The quiz is somewhat difficult, so don't be discouraged if you dont do as well as you hoped for .

Do you have what it takes to successfully complete this test? Do you think you know me as well as you claim? Well put your money where your mouth is and find out!

Created by: Ashton

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ashton is invited to a fancy dinner party by a mutual friend. A random guest makes a very offensive stereotype about black people. Ashton would most likely respond by...
  2. When someone cuts Ashton off while diving he would ...
  3. A drunk/high person is giving Ashton life advice he would...
  4. A homeless man is asking Ashton for money...
  5. What would most likely be the most important thing that Ashton looks for in a woman?
  6. Which would impress Ashton the least?
  7. Ashton makes the game winning touchdown to win the championship. The hottest girl in school approaches him afterwards and asks, "What are you doing later?" Ashton would most likely ...
  8. If Ashton trusts you, he will most likely ...
  9. Ashton would most likely encourage you to...
  10. If someone asks, "Do you think you would make it to heaven if you died today?" Ashton would most likely respond ...

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Quiz topic: Do I know Ashton Hatchett?