Test Your Bible Knowledge!

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This quiz is just for fun! We are testing your general bible knowledge hoping to intrigue you to study your bible more! Please share this quiz with your friends!

Do you have ideas for a quiz? Contact us with your ideas! This quiz is just for fun! Test your knowledge and share your score with a friend! Stay encouraged and be blessed!

Created by: Tony
  1. Who was the first man God created?
  2. How many books are in the bible?
  3. What did David use to kill Goliath?
  4. Who was the earthly father of Jesus?
  5. Who was the apple of God's eye?
  6. What is the last book of the bible?
  7. Finish this phrase: "Let there be..."
  8. Who parted the Red Sea?
  9. God made Eve from Adam's what?
  10. Jesus turned water into what?

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Quiz topic: Test my Bible Knowledge!