Teen_muscle's shoutouts

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I wanted to make a shoutout to all my fellow GTQ users! If you were left out it means I forgot or I've never heard of you or I don't consider you a friend. If you want to be in the new one talk to me in the comment section

I wanted to make a shoutout to all my fellow GTQ users! If you were left out it means I forgot or I've never heard of you or I don't consider you a friend. If you want to be in the new one talk to me in the comment section it can't be the same

Created by: Teen_muscle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Meep, you are the best friend I have on here, I hope you get through the tough times with your sister
  2. SG, you are very mature and know exactly when to stop talking.
  3. LE1F, you probably feel misunderstood, but you may be too immature and or young for GTQ
  4. Muscle_Bro, I don't really know you that well, but I guess you could be a good person if I get to know you.
  5. 1714, you are also very mature, and a good person overall. But.... Why be so rough on me? I'm only 14
  6. Musclewerewolf, You've screwed up in your GTQ life, and I think it's wise to just leave....
  7. DLBfanman, I love you bae!!
  8. That's it goodbye
  9. Isis is stupid
  10. THE END

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