Soccer Quiz:{ How well do you know the rules? }

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Don’t read this paragraph pls I’m filling up space; SOCCER Soccer Soccer….. IS THE BEST TO ME! I LOVE IT WEEEEEEE! Lalala I love soccer! 👟⚽🥅 :D :D :D

This is a quiz…. About soccer… I think that’s pretty obvious! Uhm this will tell you how well you know the rules…. Of soccer…. 👟⚽🥅 :D [: Hehehe 😂 :D

Created by: HyenaWhisper
  1. What happens when there’s a throw in?
  2. What is it called when you touch the ball with your hands and you’re not the goalie? (Easy)
  3. What is the middle of the game called? (SUPER EASY)
  4. How many teams play in one game?! (Easy?)
  5. In professional soccer how many people are on one team —normally? (Hard)
  6. Are any of these famous Soccer players? (Medium!)
  7. What happens when you touch the ball with your hands inside the goalie box, and you’re NOT the goalie!
  8. Uhm what is the penalty called when you touch the ball with your head? (Hard!)
  9. How old is the game of soccer? — after the ancient similar version— (Hard)
  10. What is the FIFA World Cup?

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Quiz topic: Soccer Quiz:{ How well do I know the rules? }
