So you think you know Julius?

I hope you read thoroughly. You'll need it! This is a quiz to test your mettle, your memory, and your common sense. You need to be not only able to think, but to know. Everything you have ever learned about Julius Caesar will be put to the test! Or, maybe not.

So you think you know Julius Caesar? Take this quiz to find out just how much you really know... hopefully you are good at remembering little picky details. No, not all of them are like that.

Created by: Julius Caesar of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. We'll start off easy. What sort of family was I born into?
  2. Okay, know it all. Which of these pairs were fighting a civil war throughout my childhood?
  3. Ok, let's try a harder one. What was I appointed the priest of?
  4. So if Sulla was trying to kill Maruis's followers, and I was Marius's nephew, how did I get out alive?
  5. Where was I going to study rhetoric when I was beset by pirates?
  6. What did I do to said pirates?
  7. So originally when I was elected to office as Consul, I had a co-consul, if you will. Who was that?
  8. Why did I attack Gaul?
  9. How did Pompey die?
  10. What was the name of Crassus's son?

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