So you think you are a Belieber!

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If you are not a Belieber you are proably wondering how I spelled the word Believer so horribly wrong. Observe: Believer plus Bieber equals Belieber. This is a quiz to test you knowledge on the one and only Justin Bieber!

So YOU think you are a Belieber? Do have the knowledge of Justin to call yourself that? You may think you are but only this quiz will tell... Best of Luck!!

Created by: JustinBieber123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Lets start at the begginning, What is Justin Bieber's Birthday?
  2. How old was Justin's mother when she had him?
  3. Justin's parents are ....
  4. Justin's favorite color is..... (if u get this wrong u r not a true fan)
  5. Although he is now gone, what was Justin's dog named?
  6. Where is Justin from?
  7. What color are Justin's gorgeous eyes?
  8. In School what is Justin's Favorite Subject?
  9. Justin taught him self to play
  10. Which celebrity helped to "discover" Justin?
  11. True or False Justin has guest starred on TV before
  12. True of False Justin Has a Tatoo
  13. Finally what is the title of his upcoming album? (date today- 3/21/12)

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