Smartness Test, see how smart you are.

This quiz is for all the people who are wondering how smart they are. If you pass this quiz, I am proud of you. If you do not, I am not proud of you. Thank you.

By the way, This quiz is the most accurate test in the world. If you do not get a result that you like, I am sorry, there is no going back. Remember, you are only as smart as what you get.

Created by: Sir Issac Newton
  1. What is one plus one?
  2. Who was the first president of the United States?
  3. What year was Facebook made
  4. What is a Carrot?
  5. What is the biggest country in the world?
  6. What is the biggest city in the USA?
  7. What is the biggest Restaurant chain in the USA?
  8. Is this quiz the best?
  9. What is intelligence?
  10. What does PEMDAS stand for?

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