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What Sonic Character are you?You must find out!(I'm also new so i might of made some mistakes so sorry if i did)but on the other hand,enjoy!(characters:Sonic,Shadow,and Silver.sorry about just 3 characters,i will be better at this quiz stuff...)

Are you a sonic fan?you can also go ahead a go to a different one if you want...or you can take the quiz here!enjoy this quiz cause i made it (it was hard and i don't know why!)

Created by: somebody..
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you say about Eggman?
  2. Do you want Emeralds?
  3. If you saw somebody being attacked what would you do?
  4. Do you have a to make a promise for someone?
  5. whats your favorite color?
  6. What power would you want?
  7. would you want to date...
  8. are you evil?
  9. what emerald color would you like?(doesn't really do anything)
  10. What do you think of this quiz?
  11. LAST QUESTION!what character would you want?

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