Shoutouts for people

Hi guys! I am also on this shoutout quiz, but anyways, I am the creator! I put a name as a question! If you got a shoutout, congratulations! You are my friend!!

Are you gonna get a shoutout? ???????????????? Find out by just taking the quiz! Hope you are in (unless you are Emmasparkle)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: nice401

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Please read top paragraphs!
  2. Hiccstrid!
  3. Elicia!
  4. qwerty123456789!
  5. nice400!(past me)
  6. Eli Ashton!
  7. Rauri!
  8. Aw come on! (My other account)
  9. HelenaGirl!
  10. Bye!

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