Shout Out Quiz 3

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Hey y’all! This is my third shout out quiz. It’s nice to be appreciative of all of y’all, but I can only include so many in this quiz lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Um idk what to say snsnsnsnsndjdjjfhfhfhrhebnwnajaksidiidudhenwnwnsnjdkdkdieiejwjnnccncjckiffjfhnenebebegdhfhfjdjjenenwbwhwjwkkoosisjsjneneenebgdhdhdhdudu

  1. HiddenLies- You’re a really good friend, and you’ve been very supportive when I’ve been upset. I really appreciate that. Talking with you is a blast. But I still don’t understand how you know every single song that I post lol.
  2. Dragonsfire- One of the first users I ever met here. I’m really lucky to have someone as talented and smart as you in my life. I think you don’t understand how amazing you are, but you’re literally so knowledgeable and you’re really fun to talk to.
  3. Mintvoyager- You’re really collected, and you handle every single situation very calmly. You tend to see both sides of an argument, and that makes you a really fair person. I like talking to you since you kind of radiate positivity and happiness.
  4. CaptainMop- Hiii. I always see your threads popping up in the Lounge and I love the titles lol. You’re really funny and have the ability to make everyone laugh.
  5. Peppermint Bliss- Lately, I’ve gotten to know you better. Talking to you is always pleasant, and it calms me down when I’m stressed.
  6. SprinkledSpice- HI BEST FRIEND. Seriously I love you so much keep powering on like a queen. You were the first user that I’d ever met and talked to, and it’s nice to see you welcome new users. You save me from awkward situations and I don’t think I’ll ever forget you! SLAY THE DAY.
  7. LuckyMe- Hi! You’re probably a comedian because your jokes are literally hilarious. I think you have a degree in being funny tbh.
  8. Atticus- I loved playing Blooket and other games with you. Your energy levels are like fifteen times mine, and I love talking to you because you’ve always got these wild and fun stories to listen to.
  9. NeonSpectere- Biggest baddie on GTQ 2022. But you honestly make everything so much better for everybody, you have so many ways to make people laugh and I kind of live for that. Slay the day
  10. The1ForU- Thanks for playing games in the Arcade with me lol. I think you have a lot of interesting things to say, so keep at it!
  11. Eggaly- We haven’t talked in so long, but all I remember is how enjoyable conversations with you were. I like how you’re able to joke around in any situation to lighten the mood :)
  12. dannylover321- Hi! I like talking with you, because you make everything seem very calm and I think it’s really nice to just feel peaceful for once lol. I hope we can talk more!
  14. GrayBroek- I’m calling you out for being a bully haha. Jkjk you’re the best, thanks for always having my back and always checking in!

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