Should u ask ur crush to be ur boyfriend?

This quiz will help you to decide whether you should ask your crush to be your boyfriend. If you 'really' like him then ask him, you might get lucky!!

But always be prepared to be rejected and being told 'No!!'. Take it in a calm way and say that's okay it is your decision. After that, don't keep pestering him as he won't like it.

Created by: Jenna
  1. How old r u?
  2. R u?
  3. How long have u known him?
  4. Does he acknowledge u?
  5. Does he stop talking to his mates just to wave and say hi! ?
  6. What r ur feelings 4 him?
  7. Do u want to be with him every single minute of ur free time?
  8. Would you take him on holiday with you and your family?
  9. Would you sleep with him?
  10. Would u marry him?

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