should people trust you?

Are you worth peoples trust, lets see if you are but than I'm not the one to decide so step right up and let us see if you're worth our time. ..........

Are you worth peoples trust, lets see if you are but than I'm not the one to decide so step right up and let us see if you're worth our time. ...........

Created by: Arkham_Knight
  1. Would you cheat? (Anything)
  2. Lets say you did, would you take responsibility for what you did?
  3. Even if there is no way of people learning about it?
  4. Would you talk about someone from their back?
  5. Would you try hard to earn someones love?
  6. Would you lie to yourself, just to make yourself happy?
  7. A friend of yours gave you her/his account password so you could help her with something, would you..?
  8. You have to help your friend with something but you're also invited to the beach...?
  9. Would you lie to someone to protect them?
  10. Would you act like nothing happened after a bad event?

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