How well do you know your boyfriend?

There are many good relationships out there and you may or may not be one. You can never really tell unless people tell you and not many will tell you the truth if its bad, so only you can analyze the question "what makes a good relationship?"

Well that is a good question, many people belive a good relationship envoles trust, love and be happy. You need to trust the one you love in order to be happy.

Created by: Peach
  1. What list of things do you know about him?
  2. How often do you fight?
  3. How often do you talk?
  4. When you talk you talk over....because.....
  5. What is the most secretive thing you will tell him?
  6. When you don't feel like going out with him you say....."
  7. When you talk he....
  8. Do you ever have ex talk?
  9. Do you feel he tells you a lot about himself?
  10. Do you feel you tell him a lot

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my boyfriend?