Should I shave my head?

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Are you balding, Wanting a new look, Dared to take this quiz or just bored? Either way this is the quiz for you. Have fun or be serious which ever you chose.

Please note that the final decision is always up to you and this quiz is only meant to aid in your decision. With out further a do get a move on and find out if you want to shave your head and dawn a bald headed apearance.

Created by: Unicornindahouse
  1. Age?
  2. Is your head hair currently thinning or balding?
  3. Do you care how people would react?
  4. If you shaved or buzzed your head and it was permanent. Would you still do it
  5. What is your ideal hair length?
  6. How much do you like your hair?
  7. What is your reaction when you see a completely bald/ completely shaved headed person
  8. Would you rather be completely bald with out the stubble of shaving your head
  9. If someone replaced your shampoo with NAIR, didn't tell you, and you used it, how would you react.
  10. RP: You have a full head of hair that you love. You are abducted by someone and they surgically remove all of the hair on your head with a laser. Making you completely bald with no hope of getting a hair transplant or growing your hair back. You will be bald for the rest of your life. How do you react.
  11. Do you want to shave your head?

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