Selenator or a Beliber

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So you want to find out whether your are a Selenator or Belieber huh? Well you came to the right place.

Hi, your here to take my quiz which is the beliber and a selenator quiz your here to know which one you are it is no easy to be called one them its just a really big word I really love them.

Created by: Selena and justin lover
  1. When was selena gomez born?
  2. Where is Justin biber home town?
  3. What is selena gomez favorite shade of green?
  4. What is selena gomez first album?
  5. What is Justin Bieber middle name?
  6. Who is selena'S bff?
  7. What is Justin Bieber first album?
  8. What is selena gomez first music video?
  9. When is Justin Bieber bithday?
  10. When did Justin Bieber and selena gomez start dating?

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