Secrets and Sirens 4

welcome. This is Secrets and Sirens part... four... I believe. I'm just trying desperately to fill up these before my phone dies. I'm at nine percent.

welcome. This is Secrets and Sirens part... four... I believe. I'm just trying desperately to fill up these before my phone dies. I'm at nine percent.

Created by: S_E_
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "Don't worry," Yuki says. "This will be our little secret." "We already know." Kristi says.
  2. "You're.... dating!" You sigh. They must've only seen you guys talk. "Ooh, Mel, such a bad girl!" Kristi said playfully. "Doesyourmomknowyet?" Gulp.
  3. You open your mouth to speak, but before you can, a huge wave sweeps the five of you out to sea.
  4. Everyone freaks out, until they realize they can breath. They're puzzled, they then see something. "Aaaaaaaaaaaah! " Kristi screamed.
  5. You scratch your head. "Yeah, kinda weird..." Yuki smacks his hand on his head.
  6. When the wave dies down, you see that there's no sand around you. "Were far out," you say. Then you turn and see something-no, someONE approach you.
  7. You realize that someone is a Mermaid.
  8. CLIFFHANGER because I forget her name.
  9. Please comment.
  10. Hi Rachael!

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