Ruminant Parasitology

PCC VT program: 1st year Parasitology with Dr. Haveman. Purposly designed for tech students in this class of 2008 to study parasites. Class feel free to make more test for us to practice. I probably will.

Covering ruminant parasitology. This includes all that was on the ruminant test but rephrased and rearraged so that you can't just read the right answer off your test immediately. -I just looked at the test, I don't know whats with on the 1st two Qs. I can't edit them.

Created by: Sonia
  1. __________ sucks blood and may cause bottle jaw, constipation, and dark stool.
  2. The parasite in #1 lives in the omasum and is a large stomach worm compared to other in this part of the stomach.
  3. The above parasite uses the dung beetle as its intermediate host
  4. The above parasite has relatively large TSOs with samll numbers produced
  5. The above parasite is commonly called the "__________" because of the way the blood-filled gut spirals around the white uterus in the female.
  6. __________ is the medium stomach worm that produces medium sized ova in moderate numbers from a medium sized worm.
  7. Much of the damage caused by Ostertagiasis is from destruction of base producing parietal cells. This can cause hyperefficient digestion and vomiting.
  8. Ostertagia has a indirect life cycle and uses the earthworm as its intermediate host
  9. Type ___ Ostertagiasis is seen with uncomplicated infection in the animal with no prior exposure. Type ____ Ostertagiasis is seen in the animals with arrested development in the wall of the abomasum
  10. The ova of above parasite are medium sized TSO in moderate numbers. The prepatent period maybe 3-4wks to 3-4ms.
  11. _______ is a small strongyle that may infect cattle, sheep, goat, and many other species. It is a small, abomasal parasite.
  12. The eggs of the parasite in the above question are very large and can always be easily differentiated from those of Ostertagia and Haemonchus
  13. The parasite in question 11 has a relative that lives in the large intestine and produces large numbers of small ova known commonly as the "bankrupt worm"
  14. Cooperia spp. are parasites of the large intestine seen most often in populated areas of the country
  15. ______ are large worms that lay very large boat-shaped ova and live int eh small intestine
  16. The ove of the above parasite requires cold weather to hatch and may cause pathology such as diarrhea even before patentcy
  17. The male worms of the parasite above are bursate and have spicules that protrude beyond the body at a significant distance.
  18. Bunostomum phlebotomum is a true cattle whipworm. It is commonly seen in our area of the Pacific NW.
  19. Strongyloides spp. of cattle and sheep are seen as free larvae on fecal floats
  20. Oesophagostomum spp. are relatively large worms that are very pathogenic (3-4000 worms can kill a cow)
  21. Oesophagostomum are called "nodular worms". They live int he LI in small nodules there.
  22. Trichuris ovis, the ______ of ruminants is fairly common in our area, produces few ova with bipolar plugs and golden color.
  23. _________ spp. is the largest lungworm of the ruminants that we studied.
  24. the above lungworm uses the ant as an intermediate hose and is passed in the ant's saliva.
  25. One test for lung worm diagnosis is the Baerman test. It uses _______
  26. ______ test we used in class for large animal nematodes on the routine fecal exam, uses Epsom salt as it's flotation media. This is a quanitative test
  27. Meullerius sp. is a sheep and cow lungworm that maybe seen in our area. Larvae have a straight tail.
  28. Fasicola hepatica is the common ______ of cattle, sheep, and goat.
  29. The above fluke uses a snail as its intermediate host.
  30. Common liver fluke ova float well in our typical fecal flotation media.
  31. Pipestem bile ducts and cirrhotic livers are hallmark post mortem findings of liver fluke disease in Oregon, seen mainly in lowland or wet areas.
  32. _______ spp. uses the Orbatid feed mite as an intermediate host and the ove have a "cocked hat" appearance.
  33. Thysanosoma actinoides is the fringed tapeworm and is a common cause of sheep live condemnation
  34. Taenia saginata causes beef measles
  35. The genus name for Coccidia of ruminants is
  36. The above may be infective to chickens
  37. ________, commonly called Trich is a venereal disease of cattle, and causes return to heat in heifer and unexposed cows.

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