Role play for girls

Your name is Bella, but your friends sometimes call you "Bee". You are very popular, and you crush on the kid named Max. You look like your self, or have blond hair shoulder length with blue and purple highlights. Max looks like your crush, or any boy at your school. Drew looks like anyone you want.

Please try to keep calm at certain parts. Like at the end, or at the weird question, or/and at love parts. Please keep calm composure at all times, for your own sake.

Created by: MyNameIsPersonal
  1. You are walking to school with your friend, Amy. You want her to tell your crush that you love him, but you don't know why you're holding back.
  2. You decide not to put pressure on yourself, and forget about telling Amy to tell Max anything.
  3. You reach school late, and don't know if you should go get a tardy slip, or risk it and get to class only a few minutes late.
  4. If you picked risk it: You got caught and have to go to a 15 minute detention after school.
  5. If you picked tardy slip:You are 8 minutes late to class and realize Max is looking at you. Your eyes lock and you feel a tsunami of love crashing in, wiping out all hate. You smile faintly and wish you could say you love him.
  6. For both: (After detention/school on way home)You see Max cross over to you, but then Drew (hot boy) races up to you and Max halts, hating eyes on Drew. You think Max was going to hug/kiss you.
  7. Drew grabs your hand, and Max stares, pure hatred. What do you do?
  8. If you yelled:Both Max and Drew scurry awayIf you leaned on Drew's shoulder:Max hurries away, and Drew in surprise does toIf you mumbled: Max reaches home, and so does Drew, leaving you all alone
  9. When you reach home, you rush to the bathroom, but the door is locked. You are in a house with only one bathroom. You are also alone, but all your clothes are in the wash, and all dishes are being washed too. What are you going to do?
  10. If you peed on ground/door:Your parents find out and ask you embarrassing questionsIf you peed your pants:You smell weird and your parents ask whyIf you peed in a plant:Alls good :D
  11. You go to school tomorrow and find Drew/Max (depends if you chose to yell at Drew or love Drew) glaring at you. "I loved you. "(if you decided Drew was the one, this next part is Max) "I thought you did too."
  12. CLIFF HANGER!! (please comment if you want more, or if I shouldn't do this)

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