Are you a blond?

Tired of being called blond? Well then take this quiz and shut up your friends! Or make them laugh. Either way, SOMEBODY is bound to have a good time here!

Are you blond? Not sure? Well, just take the quiz, and we'll find out together! This could either be a snap, or it can take a week and a half to complete, depending on your hair!

Created by: Ancel3 of My YouTube page
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. A blue man lives in the blue house. A red man lives in the red house. A green man lives in a green house. Who lives in the white house?
  2. If there are 5 birds on a fence, and you shot 2 with a shotgun, how many are still on the fence?
  3. You are forced to choose between 3 rooms: Room 1 is completely lit on fire. Room 2 has 5 lions who have not eaten in 2 years. Room 3 has spikes closing in on you. Which one is the safest?
  4. Fill in the blank: "Who 'ya gonna call? ___________"
  5. Not including number 8, what question number is this?
  6. What does KFC stand for?
  7. Is there any spelling or grammar errors in this sentence?
  8. Where do turtles live?
  9. What are you reading this on?
  10. Look up at your address bar. What does "WWW." stand for?
  11. LAST QUESTION! Can I borrow 20 bucks?

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Quiz topic: Am I a blond?