Riverkits Destiny

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Hello! This is WarriorsLover66! I’m back with another one of my love story quizzes!! I am posting this quiz on quotev.com too! You are Riverkit, a golden tabby with emerald green eyes. You have Brightpool as your mother, Riverstar as your father, and Glowkit(blue-gray tom with glowing green eyes) and Rainkit(silver tabby she-cat with amber eyes) as your littermates.

You and your siblings have powers. Rainkit has healing powers, Glowkit has future telling powers, and you can live 9 lives(like a leader) and can connect with spirits from StarClan or the Dark Forest. The next quiz will be called Riverpaw’s Shadows.

Created by: WarriorsLover66
  1. You wake up to see Ashkit pinning their brother Mosskit down on the mossy floor. Another kit was play-fighting alone. You knew his name was Emberkit. What do you do? By the way, Ashkit is a gray tabby with fierce amber eyes, Mosskit is golden-brown with amber eyes and Emberkit is a ginger tabby with bright blue eyes.
  2. Once the toms had finished playing, you get up and pad over to them. Mosskit scampers over and licks you between the ears. Ashkit purrs and rubs his muzzle on your cheek and Emberkit brushes his pelt against yours.
  3. Foxtail comes in, her green eyes scan the kits, "You are all becoming apprentices at sunset today." The kits all cheer excitedly, "I can't wait to become an apprentice Riverkit!" Mosskit said and then licked your cheek. Redkit(Emberkit’s sister) trotted in happily and began to speak. “Guess what everyone! I’m becoming Watermist(medicine cat)’s apprentice!” Her mother, Birdsong congratulated her and the other Tom’s came to you, licking your ears. Who do you lick back?
  4. Soon Riverstar calls the clan meeting and everyone comes out murmuring excitedly between each other. Brightpool(your mother) licks you between the ears and purrs, " I don't want anyone thinking I raised a badger now." You mew in protest and scamper after Mosskit, Ashkit and Emberkit. You sit beside____.
  5. Riverstar yowls, "From now on these five apprentices, until they get their warrior names, are now called Ashpaw, Mosspaw, Emberpaw, Redpaw, and Riverpaw." He paused before going on, "Ashpaw’s mentor is Blazefur, Mosspaw's mentor is Dovefur, Emberpaw's mentor is Honeyfern, Redpaw's mentor is Watermist, and Riverpaw’s mentor will be Foxtail.” The Tom’s come over and congratulate you.
  6. "What are we going to do?" You ask your mentor and the deputy, Foxtail. "We can go out and train with Ashpaw, Emberpaw, and Mosspaw if you'd like." "That sounds great!” You meow.
  7. After your hunting session with you mentor and the Tom’s you go to the fresh kill pile and Ashpaw asks you if you would like to share a thrush, you answer back_______!
  8. Once you get in your den you see Emberpaw and Rainpaw sleeping with a nest in-between them.
  9. When it is Sunrise, Mosspaw wakes up and so does Emberpaw and Ashpaw. "Hey let's go out and explore!" Mosspaw bounces around the apprentice’s den "Yes, that sounds like fun!" You exclaim. "Okay then let's go," Emberpaw licks your cheek and you go out into the forest with Ashpaw and Mosspaw flanking you on either side.
  10. You stop as you hear a low growl coming from a bush. The bush opens and you see a pair of Amber eyes glaring at you and a fox jumps out attacking.
  11. And…Cliffhanger!!!

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