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You are 0% Lutheran! This is most certainly true.

You are probably not Lutheran, or if you are, perhaps you're new to the church. If so, welcome! You have room for growth in understanding Lutheran terminology and culture. Good thing Salvation is by Grace and not by merit. We can add nothing to what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. But it never hurts to learn a little more about the church on earth. Thanks for taking the quiz!

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Pencils down! Thank you for trying the semi-official Lutherquiz. Hopefully you will want to learn more about how God reformed His church through Dr. Martin Luther and others, and what those churches which bear his name today are up to. Most importantly you will want to know God's great love for you for which He sent His Son Jesus to the cross to bear the punishment deserved by your sins. For more info. see God's Holy Word: the Bible. Luther would have directed you to the same source. God's richest blessings be with you. (Don't be afraid to contact a local Lutheran Church if you have any questions)

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