Red's Shout Out Thingy

Hey guys, this quiz for people who, well I wanna say somethings to. I hope I got all of you. I'm sorry if I missed some of you, if I did, let me know.

Hey guys, this quiz for people who, well I wanna say somethings to. Im really hopeing I got all of you. I'm sorry if I missed some of you, if I did, let me know.

Created by: Redrose2

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. To my sister Jinx, your my closet sister. I love you.
  2. To my brother Captain_Xantos, your full of advice. You mean the world to me.
  3. To my other Brothers: Alek, Phoenix, Minime, Cody, D_h. I love u all.
  4. To my Best friend Puppet. Your an amazing person to be around.
  5. To two really amazing people, Rain and Jae(loveofbands). You guys are awesome, please stay that way.
  6. To Jelly, you are amazing friend *smiles*
  7. To Katqueen *pokes* ha
  8. And to Jozy *hugs* best skittles wife ever!
  9. Rate?
  10. Comment?

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