Randomly Insane

There are lots of crazy people walking on earth. take this test to see if you are one of them????

Anwser truely to get the best results!!

Created by: Random
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you talk to yourself?
  2. What do you say when you anwser the phone, if it's your friend?
  3. Do you like drinking coffee, eating anything sugary, having energy drinks?
  4. How many "sugary" foods/drinks do you have a day?
  5. What is the first thing that comes to mind?
  6. sajsbbvdb??
  7. Odypa eaksppa igppa tinlapa?
  8. You would name your dog:
  9. You spend your free time:
  10. Do you question your insanity?

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