Random things to do

I got all these off of randomthingstodo.com. It is a very funny website. I recommend going to it. I had lots of fun with this quiz. I hope you will find it amusing.

I got all these off of randomthingstodo.com. It is a very funny website. I recommend going to it. I had lots of fun with this quiz. I hope you will find it amusing.

Created by: wolfgrl45

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Speak in third person all day
  2. Hire a taxi. When the man asks you where you want to go, say, "To infinity and beyond!"
  3. Stand in the middle of the road with a hair dryer and point it at cars as they drive by.
  4. Go through the streets pretending to be Spiderman.
  5. Buy A Balloon, Blow It Up, Call It Bob, And Cry When It Pops!
  6. Go to your mom and tell her she looks like your mother.
  7. Get on your roof and yell, IM UGLY AND IM PROUD.
  8. Sing opera in a store if anyone gives you a weird look, point & yell omg an agent & sing louder.
  9. Go to a crowded elevator and stare at everyone like they are aliens.
  10. Run down a street laughing uncontrollably and see how people respond.
  11. Sit in an office elevator in a lawn chair all day and talk to the people who get on!
  12. Anytime someone asks you to do something, reply "Do you want fries with that?"
  14. Call a random resturaunt and say Hi thanks for calling BIg daddys pizza and wait for them to answer.
  15. Get your favorite verse on your favorite song and have google translate it in a weird language.
  16. Run straight into a wall, then yell, "THAT WAS NOT THERE FIVE MINUTES AGO!".
  17. In a very busy shopping mall keep yelling out "Jake come here please" until a guy named Jake comes to you.
  18. Poke sombody multiple times and tell them that you're practicing morse code on their arm.
  19. Hula Hoop in the middle of a Target store.
  20. Put a ski mask on and stand outside your friend's window
  21. Spin in circles 100 times then try to walk.
  22. When someone is in the stall let out a war cry and slam into the door really hard!!!!!
  23. Open a window on the first floor of a building and lean out it and scream,"help, I'm falling!".
  24. Bark at a duck.
  25. Wonder exactly why you're doing this
  26. Post a comment if you have done any of these things before you took this quiz. Or post your fave, ok?

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