Random/ Funny Quiz

Some of my friends thought this quiz was funny... so i would like to share it with the rest of the world! so come on! arent you board or somthing? You should see the results! I made them myself!

Are you ever random at times? Do you like to laugh? Do you like the title? (I think the title is pretty kool... well i made it up in about two minutes...) Well dont just sit there... click!

Created by: Seirra

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You were searching on the internet and you...
  2. OMG! your boyfriend just asked you to the dance... you...
  3. your grounded in your room and your starving! you...
  4. Your mom is taking forever in a store and you sitting in the car... but wait! you notice that she left the keys on her seat... you...
  5. Its Halloween and your in a comstume store... you
  6. Theres a fly flying around your head... you...
  7. At school... they are playing dodgeball... you...
  8. you are almost done with the quiz.... what do you think?
  9. Thats it!...
  10. I had to ask..... hows life?

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