Quizzes That Are Coming Soon!

Hello my name is CalicoCat and i made this "quiz" to prepare you for a LOT of quizzes that i will be making in the future. You just need to read the "quiz"

Sometimes i don't like that paragraph thingy sometimes i wish you could skip the the second paragraph and just get on with your quiz. But no that is not how Gotoquiz.com works :(

Created by: CalicoCat
  1. Hello!!!!! So I am just making this "quiz" to tell you a bit about myself and about the quizzes i will be making in the future
  2. So I love cats, Warrior Cats, animals, Harry Potter, and Avatar: The last airbender. And that is what most of my quizzes are going to be about.
  3. Now I am going to tell you what quizzes I am planning for my account. If you have any questions or ideas I would love to hear them just comment!
  4. So for all Avatar: The last air bender quizzes I am thinking of making we have.... "What ATLA Character Are You? (Girls only)", "What ATLA Character Are You? (Boys only)", "What Type Of Bender Are You?", "The Ultimate ATLA Quiz", "Guess the ATLA Character"
  5. For all the Warrior cat quizzes I am thinking of making we have......... "What Warrior Cat Are You? (Girls Only)", "What Warrior Cat Are You? (Boys Only)", "What Warrior Cat Mate Would You Have (Girls Only)", "What Warrior Cat Mate Would You Have (Boys Only)", "What Warriors Clan Are You In?", "The Ultimate Warrior Cat Quiz", "Guess The Warrior Cat"
  6. For Harry Potter quizzes I am thinking of making we have.... "What Hogwarts House Are You In?", "What Harry Potter Character Are You? (Girls Only)", "What Harry Potter Character Are You? (Boys Only)", "The Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz", Guess The Harry Potter Character"
  7. For all the animal quizzes I am thinking of making we have.... "What type Of Cat Are You?", "What Type Bird Are You?", "What Animal Are You?", "What Big Cat Are You?", "The Ultimate Cat Quiz", The Ultimate Bird Quiz"
  8. Now as you can see i'm taking on a lot. I have just promised you about 25 quizzes and I am going to keep that promise
  9. So that's about it.... Now remember is you have any quiz ideas I would love to hear them! Just comment. Oh, And I was thinking about a love story with a multiple parts but I can't decide what I should do. Should I do Avatar or Harry Potter or Warriors? I need your help to decide Just comment witch one you want. Witch ever one has the most votes I will do!
  10. Bye!! Have a good day! :D

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