Quiztime: multiple choice mania!

Hi guys! I made my first quizzes just to pass the time, but I cannot belive the nice comments and high ratings I'm getting! I'm chuffed! Thank you so much!

Since you like my quizzes, as promised here is my 3rd quiz time. If you like it look below results to check out other awesome quizzes by me! But first you need to take my quiz, so have fun!

Created by: Ash22
  1. Which country uses trained birds to catch fish?
  2. Which driver holds the record for winning the most formula one world championships?
  3. Which sheep was the first ever cloned mammal
  4. What is the hardest thing a triceratops can chew through?
  5. Which Jersey does the leader in a Tour De France cycle race wear?
  6. what can you see from the international space station?
  7. Who took part in the gunfight at the OK corral?
  8. Which legendary ghost ship is condemned to sail the seas for all eternity?
  9. What sport to Rodger Federer and Serena Williams play?
  10. If you held a human brain, what would it feel like?

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