Pretty Flowers in the Dust Part 2 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Pretty Flowers in the Dust Part 2.

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  • I'm sorry it's taking so long, I'm writing a lot per question and I'm trying to come up with something interesting. Part three will come out hopefully by Wednesday night or later. Because Wednesday I start school, and we don't get out as early as I thought that day and I have plans.

  • Oh my god this reminds me of a scary movie I saw when I was 7 but I can't remember the name god it had sheep and a cliff and people were jumping off and a little girl was being tortured and the main characters daughter was missing or something GAAAHHH WHAT WAS THE NAME

  • Intriguing... and there's a little shiver of a horror story lurking there with this ghost little girl... and I want to read more! Renee, I have no idea what she's up to at all, but she is acting rather strange...


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