pov: you are in school again. ace 70% to be approved (easy)

my first quiz here. i didn't know what to do, so i decided to do this.here's raining a lot so i can't go out, then i decided to create this quiz to say that i did at least anything productive (?????) in my life

you shouldn't take this quiz too serious, it's just for fun (and some knowledge 😡)english is not my first language (i speak portuguese!), so i believe that some words may be wrong... sorry for my poor grammar, i tried my best...

Created by: dylann_
  1. biology: what is the difference between the antidote (serum) and the vaccine? (i'll be using the word antidote!)
  2. history: easy! what year was the French Revolution?
  3. philosophy: who was the greek philosopher who developed the concept of "two worlds" of knowledge? (this is easy, ily )
  4. geography: which countries are part of the NAFTA? In what year did the group begin to operate?
  5. grammar: which sentence below has a grammatical error? easyyy, baby!
  6. mathematics: in numerical expression 23 + (45-7) × 2, what is the result? (i love this subject and yes you can call me weirdo)
  7. chemistry: super basic! what are the fundamental particles of an atom?
  8. social studies - sociology - what is the concept of "culture"?
  9. physics: we're almost done! V = ∆d/∆t. this equation corresponds to:
  10. last and easiest question of all: who was the first president of the United States?

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