Political Spectrum

Here is a political test. It is my first, so go easy if it sucks or doesn't work out. But anyway, have you ever wondered where you fall on the political spectrum? Here you will be determined as either a socialist, communist, fascist, conservative, liberal, libertarian, anarchist, or centrist.

So do you think you're a dirty commie? A control freak socialist? A domineering Fascist? A rigid conservative? A God forsaken Liberal? An anarchist prototype libertarian? An actual anarchist? Or maybe you fall somewhere in the middle? Centrism that is.

Created by: Elliott
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Should the government have social intervention.
  2. Should the government have economic intervention?
  3. Should abortions be legal?
  4. Should school remain public or totally go private?
  5. Should the death penalty be legal?
  6. Should all cultures be promoted?
  7. Are all races equal?
  8. Are woman equal to men?
  9. And what about the rich?
  10. What about Welfare?
  11. Should the government intervene in foreign affairs?
  12. Should we protect the environment?
  13. What about censorship?
  14. What about racism?
  15. How should rape be dealt with?
  16. What about the legality of drugs?
  17. What about the legality of Prostitution?
  18. What about gun ownership?
  19. What about order?
  20. What about work?
  21. What about science?
  22. What about the military?
  23. What about higher education?
  24. What about War?
  25. What do you think about Stalin?
  26. What about Hitler?
  27. What about Bush?
  28. What about America?
  29. How is you outlook of the world?
  30. Free trade or Fair trade?
  31. What about private property?
  32. Corporatism. Good or bad?
  33. Meritocracy. Good or bad?
  34. Democracy. What do you think?
  35. Dictatorship? Where do you stand?
  36. Family. What do you feel about it?
  37. What do you think about Communism and Socialism?
  38. What about Fascism and Conservatism?
  39. Liberalism and Libertarianism?
  40. Finally, Anarchy and Centrism?

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