Pokemon Something Quiz

I didn't think you would take this quiz, if you do get a good score, then that's how nerdy you are. You do not want to know how you fail at life, do you. So for your own sake, get a bad score.

So, do you have what it takes to take the quiz? This is not a Pokemon Quiz but shows how nerdy you are and how you fail at life. Do you want to be a nerd? Do you want to be lonely? Dont like a nerdy thing too much like POkemon like me. I used to be upssessd.

Created by: Hernan
  1. What is the name of the main character?
  2. What is the name of season 5?
  3. Pokemon is short for what?
  4. Who is the artist for the Pokemon?
  5. Which one of these character's are not in Pokemon?
  6. How many Pokemon have been discovered so far?
  7. Which system is Pokemon Colosseum for?
  8. How do you capture Pokemon in Pokemon Ranger?
  9. Complete this catch phrase, "Gotta _____ them all, _______!"
  10. Which Pokemon is number 255?

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