personality quiz

okay so this is my first quiz! YAY! please comment on how i did! if i did pretty good i might make some other quizzes... i tried to make this quiz a success.

so this is quiz is about our personality. the title gives it away. but i hope you get a pretty good personality! please no mean comments i tried hard.

Created by: fish9087
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you check your posture? sitting, standing etc.
  2. are you loyal to others?
  3. are you friendly and courteous to others?
  4. are you truthful in dealing with others?
  5. are you responsible?
  6. can you get along and work with others?
  7. do you have confidence in your knowledge and ability?
  8. do you have a good tone of voice and choice of words?
  9. do you like candy? **this question wont effect your score**
  10. last question... did u like my quiz and will you comment on how i did? **wont effect**

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