Penhallow's Camp For Teenage Misfits: Who Would You Fall For

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This is a pretty basic "Who Would You Fall For" Quiz, except it takes place at a magical summer camp instead of a mansion, and there's no kidnapping involved. At least, not yet. Maybe later, if I need some drama?

You play as Lila Hart, a teenage witch. The love interests are an Angel, a Werewolf, a Fae Prince, and your childhood best friend (an ordinary human).

Created by: selkie
  1. Your name is Lila Hart, you have short dark hair and green eyes, and you're 16 years old. You first started showing signs of magic on your 16th birthday. Which type of magic do you have an affinity for?
  2. Your parents have decided to send you away to a camp for "misfit teens" over the summer holidays, in large part because they have no idea how to handle your newfound powers. How do you feel about it?
  3. The night before you leave, your best friend Summer Jenkins calls you up on your cellphone. What do you tell her about your upcoming trip?
  4. The next morning, as you and your mom are driving away, you spot James watching you from his bedroom window. You:
  5. What do you do on the drive to Penhallow?
  6. As you pull into the long driveway of Penhallow Camp, your mom starts to get misty eyed. "Ok baby," she says ruefully, "We're finally here." How do you respond?
  7. You hop out of the car. A tall and otherworldly beautiful woman is standing at the entrance to the camp, which appears to be deeper into the forest. She waves at you excitedly. "Hello! You Must be Lila Hart! I am ever so excited to meet you!" How do you respond?
  8. As you follow Aria into the forest you notice some strange things such as:
  9. Do you mention these things to Aria, or ignore them?
  10. Aria turns to you with a smile. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll fit right in, what with your magic and all."

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