Penguins quiz test

Sorry guys this quiz is made by a 5 year old that’s why it is so stupid pls take it and see how stupid it is it’s CALLED BAY QUIZ nickname sorry for that

Poop poop I won the poop i love poopppppppppp it’s stinks 😷 i love it it’s so babyish I love poop I finish pooping I don’t flush I just smell it and clap my hands

Created by: Benita
  1. Do penguins flap to hide
  2. Where do penguins live
  3. How to penguins walk
  4. How do penguins protect themselves
  5. How do penguins swim
  6. How do penguins poop
  7. Do penguins like human
  8. Does ur brother call u a penguin
  9. If so he’s the penguin and just ignore him
  10. Are penguins fat

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