Once: A Chance Part 2

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This is the second part to my quiz story. I hope you guys like it! I love making these it's a lot of fun! If you guys have any suggestions just let me know please!

Okay so you were kidnapped. Ian saved you and was shot. But he came back to life. You find out he's also your guardian. You and mike are becoming better friends. And your mom is shot?

Created by: alyk4321
  1. "Ian?" You ask as you wake up with a really bad headache. Where am I? You ask yourself. You look down at the cloth."Ugh! They drugged me! Where am I?" You look around at what you can see. It seems like you're in a loading box of one of those tractor trailer trucks. It is really dark, there are a few old dusty boxes, you saw that they said, 'CATION' and 'VERY FLAMMABLE'. Oh no. That cannot be good. You saw two windows at the end of the long path.
  2. "HELP!" You scream at the top of your lungs. "LET ME OUT!" you say as you bang on the windows. You start looking for something to break the window with when the truck screeches to a stop. Suddenly the doors are taken off their hinges. "_________?" You hear someone say in a very worried voice. It was Ian. "Oh, thank God you're okay!" "What just happened?" You ask being in shock. "I promise I'll explain later, but now you have to run!" You start to run as you look behind you and see the driver on the ground, and Ian fighting your kidnapper. You turnback around, and kept running. But then you hear a gunshot. What happened next was in slow motion. You turn around. You see Ian on the ground. And blood. A lot of blood.
  3. "IAN!" you run towards him. "Oh my God," you say as you get to him. "_______," he says coughing up blood. "You have to leave-" he coughed. "It's a trap." "I can't just leave you to die!" "I'm not going to die, okay? Just go!" You get up looking very confused. And scared. You run. You come to a road and stop a minute to catch your breath. You start hyperventilating. You hear a car come up behind you. You turn around. "Oh my gosh!" The car swerves and keeps on driving. Wow. My third time today almost getting killed, you think. you don't know what to do so you just sit down on a rock. Ian is gone. Okay, so maybe he was a little strange, but you were starting develop 'feelings' for him. Now he is gone. You start to cry. You guess the clouds felt sorry for you too, they start to cry also. You get out your phone to see what time it is but it had died. I probably missed dinner. Great. You think. You decide to try and get to the nearest town. I could use a phone and my parents could come and get me! Then everything would be back to normal. But Ian would be gone. You think. You start to cry again. You walk and within a hour get to some town called Grasston. Oh my gosh that is really far away from my home.You think as you call your mom.
  4. "Mom?" "Meagan? Oh thank God. Steve! It's Meagan! Oh my God honey-- where are you?" "I'm-I'm in Grasston. I was kidnapped mom. But I got away." "Oh my... " she drops the phone. "She- my baby- kidnapped..." Your dad picks up the phone. "Meagan? We're coming to get you right now! Just stay there and don't talk to anybody! If someone talks to you just start speaking a different language or something, we're pulling out now." "Okay, dad." About two hours later, your parents arrive. "Oh my God! Meagan are you okay?" Your mom and dad hug you and you all start to cry. They take you home. You tell them what had happened. "Honey, I'm so sorry. I should have been home-" "Mom, it's not your fault. Or yours dad. I was a little late coming home. Someone hit my car in the parking lot today, then someone from school had to drive me home, it's totally my fault." "Oh, Meagan, I'm so sorry. I know how much that car meant to you." "Dad! The car doesn't matter! Someone tried to kill me, okay? I just don't want to talk about this anymore." "Okay."
  5. You get home around ten. You go straight to your room and start to cry. You go out onto the roof like you usually do. You just sit there and look at all the city lights. And the moon. It was indescribable how beautifully the moon shown upon the city. You hear something on the roof. You look around, but decide it was just a bird. "________," You look behind you. "Ian?!" You almost fall off the roof. "I told you I wasn't going to die." You back up. "Who are you?" "Ian!" "No. You can't be Ian. I saw him die!" "Shh." he says. "You going to wake up your parents." "Trust me, I want them awake! Who are you and what do you want? Are you a magician? And you do black magic or something?" "_______, look. It's not like that at all. I am Ian." There was a long pause. "Okay, I've been meaning to tell you." He walks closer to you, but you back up. "Meaning to tell- I just met you! Today! And somehow you knew about how that locket was important to me, knew my address, saved my life, twice! And came back from the dead! Not to mention you ripped those steel doors off there hinges... I-I don't know what to think Ian. coming back to life is- is just impossible." He looked down. "Not for me." You give him a strange look. "I didn't tell you, to protect you." he says. "Wha- what do you mean?" "Look, ________, I don't know how else to say it so I just will. I'm your guardian. I'm suppose to look after you and keep you safe." "From what?" "Your not normal, _______. There are people out there who want you dead and it is my job to make sure that doesn't happen." "What do you mean 'not normal' Why do people want me dead? "Look, I can't explain now. I've said to much already." He just looks at you like he is reading your mind. "I know and I'm very sorry. But if you ever need anything, let me know. I'll be watching you. Now get some sleep." he comes towards you like he was going to kiss you, but then acts as a scared little boy and kisses your forehead. "Okay," you said looking into his eyes now, instead of his looking into yours. There was nothing. They were like black marble. Dark but beautiful. You go back through your window, shut it, and get into bed. He stays outside for a couple seconds, then is gone.
  6. That night you have a dream about Ian. You are trapped in a old school building. It is on fire. You can't get out and are dying, fast. You can't see anything but a window. Out that window you see Ian laying on the ground. You are screaming, but no sound is there. Then you see nothing. What does that mean? You think.
  7. You walk into the cafeteria the next day. You were going to meet up with Amy, but she was talking with Jake. You decide to give them a little privacy. You sit down at an empty table. Ian walks over to sit with you. "How are you this-" he looks around with his eyes. "morning?" "Ian, look I know your suppose to look out for me or something, but your kinda freaking me out." "(sigh) Okay, I'm sorry. I really want to tell you," "I know." "Alright," he says looking into your eyes. "Just be careful, okay, _______?" "Okay." You say. He gets up and leaves.
  8. Just then you see someone looking at you. "Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later," he says to his football friends. He is coming towards you. Great. You think. "He-llo." he says. Ugh."Hey, Mike." "Hey! You remember my name! That's a good sign." "Yeah, it is. It means I've been in science with you for two days now." "Ha ha," he says. "Right. So you sitting by yourself?" "I uh, actually, yeah. Pretty much." "Well," he says while he puts his tray down. "Not anymore your not." he smiles. You laugh and look down at your food. "So," you start trying to say something so there's not dead silence. "Do you get that chemistry stuff were doing in class?" "Nope," he says looking down at his food. "It's all gibberish to me." You both laugh. "Then again, I'm not very smart." "Of course you are!" You say. "Not all football players have rocks for brains you know." He smiles and touches your hand gently."You know, I'm really happy I met you _______." you smile. "You too," you say as he winks at you and eats his food. Ian is standing against the wall. He gives Mike a look and then walks away. "What's that guys problem?" he asks. "I," You think for a minute. "I don't know."
  9. After lunch you head to Drama. "Today," Mrs. Mills starts, "We are going to start reading Romeo and Juliet to get you all ready for the play." She passes out booklets. "Anthony," she says looking at him after pulling her glasses down in front of her face. "Please start reading at Act 1: Prologue. You are reading Chorus' part." "Okay," he said looking into his booklet. "Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes hands unclean. From fourth the fatal..." His words trail off. Man, I get distracted easily! You thought. The room is dark, you are all sitting on the stage with one spotlight on up ahead. Anthony continues but is now almost done. "Is now the two hours' traffic of out stage; the which if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend." "Thank you very much, Anthony. Okay, lets see." She looks around the room. "One, two, three, four," she counts. "Alright, I need twelve of you to speak in Scene 1. Okay. Jake, you be Sampson, Mark, you be Gregory, Timothy, you'll be Abram," You continue to daydream until you hear your name. "And ________, you'll be Romeo." A few kids laugh. "Only for now of course," She says looking around. "Verona. A public place. Jake?" "Gregory, on my word, we'll not carry coals." Mark started next. "No, for then we should be colliers." "I mean, and we be in choler, we'll draw. "Ay, while you live, draw your neck out of collar." "I strike quickly, be mov'd. Mrs. Mills, this is confusing." Mrs. Mills looks up from her booklet. She looked as if she had really been getting into the story. "Don't worry we'll go over it later. I know how strange old English can be." Just then you hear the door squeak open. It is Ian. What is he doing here? You just look at him as he comes toward you.
  10. "Um, excuse me, sorry to interrupt. If you don't mind, _______ has to leave early." "She does?" Mrs. Mills asks. "I do?" you asks. "Yes," he says looking at both of you. "May I have a reason?" she asks. He thought for a minute then says: "She has cancer. If I don't get her to the hospital right now, she might die." Mrs. Mills has a look on her face but the longer Ian looks at her, she finally says: "Oh my God! ________, why didn't you tell me? You have to go. So, go!"
  11. You and Ian walk out the school doors. Ian bursts out laughing while you had a straight look on your face. "I can't believe she actually fell for that!" "I can't believe you actually told her that!" I say. His smile disappears. "Sorry," he says. "I didn't want to have to tell her the real reason." He has a worried look on his face. "Ian what is it?" You ask getting into the car. He doesn't say anything at first, then he looks at you and says, "_______," he has a really, worried look on his face. "Your mom," "My mom? What about her?" "She's," he says looking down. "She's in the hospital." "What?!" You yell as you snap the seat belt buckle into place. "What happened?" No answer. "Ian!" "I...I'm so sorry...I should have been there-" "What happened?!" You ask as tears come into your eyes. "She's been shot," Ian says as he looks up at you. He has tears in his eyes too.
  12. Now who do you like?

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