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hey guys this is my first ever quiz ever so i really hope that you liked it because i worked hard on it. a special shout out to IcyDesignns, i love your series and you are amazing.

this story is about a girl who is new at school but for some reason everyone is astonished that she is from california. can you survive high school in texas? find out today...

Created by: SwaggMonkey
  1. you wake up get dressed eat and brush your teeth. today will be very stressful because you are going to a new school. you moved from california to a nasty place...texas. only because your mom got a job offer.
  2. "joanna, you set?" mom yells. "yes, i guess so" you yell back. your mom drives you to school and on the way you see horses and cows and chickens on farms and your disgusted! 'stupid farm place' you think. the car comes to a terrifying stop at shoemaker high school. you are in 9th grade and it is april.
  3. your mom drops you off and you go into the office alone. the girl at the desk says hello and tells you to sit and wait. a couple minutes later a girl with long brown hair and color changing eyes comes in the room. "kiara please assist joanna to her classes" so her name is kiara, interesting...
  4. "hi" kiara says. "hey" you reply. she walks you through the hallway "where you from?" "california" "oh, cool" "my names joanna by the way" "i know" "oh" she links your arm with hers "were going to be best friends!" she says.
  5. "well, this is your class" "oh" she opens the door and you both walk in together and everyone stares at you "hello" says the teacher. "hi" you reply' "she's new" said kiara. kiara goes to sit down in her seat. "ok, what's your name?" "joanna" "lovely. any questions class?" a boy in the back raised his hand and said "i like your lady bumps" the teacher rolls his eyes "joshua, that isn't a question." "i love your..lady bumps?" joshua "asks". everyone laughs. "is that it?" says teacher.
  6. a girl raises her hand "where is you from?" "california" i reply. everyone stares at me like im crazy. what is wrong with cali!!??
  7. that the end sry
  8. did you like it so far?
  9. ...........
  10. bye

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