Nascar Quiz For Fans

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This quiz is to see if you are truly a Nascar fan. If you are a true fan you should pass easily. If not, you will fail. Good luck. These questions go all the way up to the 2021 season.

There are questions from the past and the present. There is one multiple answer question. Now let's see if you are bluffing or not. If you are, you might need to watch more or change interests.

Created by: Jeff
  1. What is the most amount of championships any driver has won?
  2. Who has the most championships in Nascar?
  3. Who won the 2020 Nascar Championship?
  4. What is the longest streak of consecutive championships?
  5. Who won the Daytona 500 in 2021?
  6. Who are currently in the booth during races in 2021?
  7. Who are the father-son duos who have both won Nascar championships?
  8. What driver died during the Daytona 500 and which one almost died?
  9. Who is going to be the driver of the Wood Brothers Racing #21 car next season?
  10. Where were the two sites or the alternate location in two All-Star races?

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