My Tears Are For You (Memory 4)

This story is about a girl who experienced true love. She had found that special someone, but soon after, great pain follows her. It strikes her at the spot where pain can be felt most. Her heart.

Everything starts going downhill for her. She cannot control what is to come. Knowing that, she hates herself. She wants to stop it but she can't. What will happen to the life as she knows it? (me: It sounds pretty cheesy to me but it seems to fit so...) ADDITIONAL: Read the prologue and memories 1-3 if you haven't!!!

Created by: Fairygal
  1. "There are things that are better left forgotten."
  2. Running away from danger is the hardest thing to do. Always being in constant fear that at any moment someone will kill us doesn't help us but further agitate us. The wind rushing past me and the shadows dancing before my eyes are the only things I can see. Everything else... They are just a blur. I take deep breaths as I run, trying to pace myself. Better to focus on my breathing than onto my foreboding surroundings. Each intake of air muffles the pounding beats of my heart as they go quicker with each step I take. I do not see too much in the dark as the moon is currently being obscured by hovering clouds. A slight glow trickles out of the stars, giving gentle and soothing light from above. Even though there is light, it is not able to penetrate the thick layer of darkness that hovers above the ground.  It seems like it will remain to be full-on darkness on earth... Coincidentally, this started right after the massacre and bloodbath that occurred just moments before.
  3. Sweat clings to my body as I run in constant fear. In constant fear of what would lie for me if I were to die. Would I become a wandering soul forever to find something worthwhile, or would I receive permanent housing in the heavenly place above or the wretched place below? Most importantly, would there be nothing after death? I attempt to shake it all from my mind. Everyone needs courage to move on and so that's what William and I must do. We push our legs forward even if our legs are starting to feel numb and our lungs yearning for air. Our motivation to live through this is important above all else. We act like each breath we take would be our last. We can't afford to make any mistakes. Not now, not ever. We must escape the battlefield and go somewhere safe.
  4. "Where are we headed to now?" I ask William with effort. Each word I say adds to the aching of my lungs. They feel like they're suffocating me! "We are heading to the next town over. It is quite a bit from here but we can make it. We must keep going, Elaine! We can't stop now...," William huffed, trying to get in breaths. We've been at it for a while now but our hopes are starting to waver. I just wish we can find a quiet place to stay, a place where we can relax and smile to our hearts' content without any worries. Inside, I hope that we can stop and take a break from running but I know that it'll increase our chance of being caught. We need to keep going.
  5. I was so focussed on my thoughts that  I realize too late that William has stopped. It had hurt so much bumping into him that I wanted to yell at him but before I did, William shushes me. My rising emotions have quickly dissipated, just like that, and then we listen hard. There is a soft sound of leaves brushing against each other. It is so slight a sound that if you did not listen too carefully, you can easily miss it. I look over at William to see what we can do. He points his head at a tree nearest to us so we go hide behind it. At a distance from the tree, there are two soldiers. It appears that we have stumbled on a merry conversation between the two with laughter in the mix. In their arms, they carry their weapons loosely as if they are just plain ordinary objects. Soon enough, the men part ways, one heading towards us. William and I decide to climb the tree behind us and so we did.
  6. In the middle of climbing the tree, my dress suddenly gets caught on a branch. Hearing the sounds of approaching footsteps, I tug hard on my clothing, my breaths growing quicker out of frustration. Soon I am able to do it with success but the fabric rips off and starts to float gently towards the ground. Coincidentally at that moment, the soldier appears at the same spot under the tree. My heart beats loud and my grip tightens around the tree branch as I see the soldier spot the red fabric. His gaze goes elsewhere as he searches for the source. Finally, he looks up at me and William; I can't help but let out a gasp. Realizing our location, the soldier smiles at us evilly. I then see that his gaze seems to be fixated at me so I can't do much but feel extremely uncomfortbale, noticing the fact that I am above him. He is leering at me! After staring at me for a few minute, he waves his finger at me, pointing to the ground. He is saying foreign words at the same time but I don't need to understand his words in order to relay his message. It is clear. He wants me to come down.
  7. William shakes his head furiously out of disapproval for what this man wanted me to do. The soldier's response though is pointing his gun at us and gesturing for me to come down. William and I exchange a sad and scared look for what I have to do. Seeing that we are at a disadvantage, there is not much we can do. I need to join the soldier and do whatever he wants me to do if I want our lives to remain intact. Before I climb down though, William gives my hand a squeeze for reassurance and me a reluctant look for letting me go. Great, one more reason for not wanting to go down. I really despise the look on the soldier's face. It is the look of smugness and corruption of power; they are arguably two of the worst things in the world...
  8. In the middle of climbing down, a huge object flies past me. It is at the last second that I realize that it's William. He has jumped off the tree onto the solider in order to stop me from being in the hands of the soldier. Usually I would smile at such a kind gesture but I have something that requires more of my attention. William and the soldier tackling each other on the ground. I start to get scared. What if William hurts himself? He only did it to protect me and I don't want him to get himself harmed in the process. At the moment, I couldn't think of any options but one. I need to pull the soldier away from Wiliam so that he can get the advantage and see better.  It might be a stupid one but my mind currently lacks the ability to think clearly. When I am about to do it though... A single gun shot noise rings through the air and instantly it is followed by my cry of shock. Both are not moving and silence fills the air.
  9. Thoughts of grief start to flow into my mind. As soon as they appear though, they are gone, replaced by thoughts of disbelief for William's possible death. One big question stays in my mind and that is "Why aren't they moving?" I stand there, not believing that this is all happening. Seconds, minutes, hours, and what feels like eternites have past and there is still a lack of movement in their part. Is this how William is going to leave this world? Me alone, not even getting the chance to know him better? My eyes well up but my tears do not fall. All I can see is a mix of limbs, my mind not comprehending the situation. I can't even distinguish between which limb belongs to who and I'm scared to do so. In the back of my mind, my subconscious tells me to do something and not leave William in such an awful position. With shaking hands, I reach to touch William so I can pull him off the soldier. Before I can though, I pull my arm back. I know that the instant I see William' face, I will break out sobbing and moaning, sadness and fear consuming me. Will this happen to me again if I find Will back in the present?
  10. As I turn my back against them, I hear grunts and a shuffling sound from behind me. I look back to see Willi pushing the soldier's body off of him. When looking at this wondrous sight, I run to him and hug him as a result of my happiness. The tears I did not let out before have finally fall. I feel so weird for crying but I did not care. William is okay! "You made me so scared for you. I actually that you weren't going to make it," I cried. Seeing that I am sobbing, he smooths my hair and tries to calm me down. After this, it starts to rain. Thunder crackles and lightning flashes. The pouring rain mixes in with my tears, becoming indistinguishable. It is a joyous yet an emotional moment.
  11. Finally, William and I pull apart from each other, and then as if by sheer force, we peer down at the body. The sight before us is as disturbing as any other but in an eerie way, a work of art. The colour red is smeared across the broad chest of the fallen dead soldier. Caused by the rain, the body fluid runs off of the body and soaks into the ground, becoming mixed with the grime and mud. Lightning flashes throughout the dark, highlighting the motionless features of the dormant face one moment and hiding them in darkness the next. Shivers spread throughout my body. This is the face of the person William and I killed... With our own hands. Even if this man did sinful things in the past, he could have a life still needed to be fulfilled. All the opportunities he could have had in his life are instead taken away with his death. Because of us... Suddenly, thunder rumbles loudly as if out of disapproval for someone's death. Rain seems to pour even harder than thought possible. It adds to the gloominess of the moment because it seems to act out by weeping for one's death. Looking at the body, I will never forget the lack of movement of the body and how the face is fixed in the position of sheer terror. I feel that the image is going to haunt me for eternity, being the least memorable moment in my life. This is not something I want to remember. This will forever be engraved in our memories.
  12. William and I proceed to bury the body by grabbing handfuls of the slimy mud with our bare hands and throwing them on him. As the soldier's body continues to be more and more concealed, I can't help but be showered with guilt. We are trying to remove evidence to the murder and death we committed but we are also removing evidence of this man's life on earth. He'd be gone and not much people would know about it. When we finish, we peer at the small bump on the ground, a tiny reminder of what we've done. Then we proceed to make a tiny prayer to God. I hope He will forgive me for committing such an act and be merciful to William as well. I stand up only to trip a little as my feet brush against an object. Arms grab me around the waist and I look back to see William. William smiles at me and chuckles, "Be careful, Elaine. We would not like it if I have to come to your rescue for everytime you falter. Without me, you'd might hurt yourself." I pull myself away from his grasp as my eyes point daggers at him and look down to see the object. I am insulted that he mentions me as if I am a damsel in distress. I mean I am perfectly capable of handling mysel... I step back when I got a closer look of the object. It is a gun. More specifically, it is the gun that triggered this man's death. William sidles up besides me, oblivious to the object, and says, "Elaine, are you angry about what I had said moments before? I did not mean it the way my words implied. I thought you knew that it was my way to lighten up the situation. I was sure that it was needed after what recently happened..." Then he keeps rambling on. I chose to ignore him, shocked about the object that lied before me. It was sort of funny that he actually thought I was still mad about that. Finally he stops, realizing that I was silent the whole time. He follows my gaze and takes a closer glance. "Oh," he lets out and starts to reach for the weapon.
  13. William takes the gun in his hands and starts fiddling around with it. "So I assume that this is what had taken that man's life...," he whispers. I start to say something but I notice that he wasn't really looking for an answer. He seems to be fixated with the object, his eyes turning to an unfathomable dark and cold blue. He also wore a blank stare, a stare that I have not seen before but a romantic one. I need to change that. It is not like him to be in this state. He must have tried to e brave before but I guess that the gun changed all that. "What do you think we should do with it?" I ask. His gaze does not shift. "Should we bury it or should we keep it to protect ourselves?" I ask again, this time carefully watching his expression. He still has his gaze centered on the gun, and still, he goes without a word but breathing heavily. I know that I should stop this so I take my hand and slowly remove it. I proceed to bury the gun as well, attempting to make it disappear in plain sight. "I don't think we should ever be reminded of this again. It is too horrible to remember. This is my reason for doing so," I say. I look back at William and notice some colour returning to his eyes as reality comes back to him. Realizing my concern for him, he turns away from me and mutters, "I agree. This is what's best for us... I apologize for my behaviour earlier. You might say that I was surprised to find that condescending piece of metal..." I shush him, "I understand. You do not need to go any further. I really do know what you were going through. However, I think that we should get going." William nods, his posture relaxing and his face turning red a little.
  14. As William starts to get up, he suddenly collapses down on his knee. Not being able to support his weight, he then falls onto his back, now reduced to breathing heavily with his eyes closed and sweat gleaning off his forehead. I rush immediately at his side, feeling his forehead and cheeks. They are scorching hot! I silently blame myself for this incident. How can I not notice his growing sickness? The signs were so clear before and yet I did not recognize them! His breaths were as heavy as stones as well as his stares as blanks as slates. Even his face is growing more red by the second! How did I not notice them? Why didn't he tell me? I yell at him, "You're sick, William, and a lot too! How can you not tell me this before? We could have done something about it and treated it." In what looks like a weak attempt, he opens his eyes a little and weakly murmurs, "I do not understand what you are saying. I just feel a little exhausted from burying the deceased. My body also needed a small rest. I agree with you that we should go, but if we are to, we should do so now." He proceeds to get himself up but the wobbling of his legs prevents him from doing so. He collapses back onto his knees, his attempt to stand up clearly failed.
  15. "William, you are such a liar," I mutter, shaking my head. Knowing that he is not saying the truth, I realize that I need to find shelter for him. And fast. With the rain and the fact that we are a distance away from the nearest town, William's sickness can grow to something serious like pneumonia. I got to get him some shelter or the thing I fear most might happen! Immediately, I start to carry him, putting his arm around my shoulder, and to my relief, William does not put up too much of a fight. Despite the fact that I too can catch a serious illness, my mind is only foccused on his health and well-being. "William, please hold on. You need to help me on this one! You got a good eighty pounds on me and I don't know how much longer I can do this," I say, struggling to support him with my own body. William feebly lifts his head up a bit and breathes, "Elaine, I feel so dizzy. The world is spinning and I... And I don't know what to do... And I..." As soon as the words left his lips, his body becomes limp. I look over to see that he has become completely unconscious with his eyes fully closed. I let out a loud groan. Now I am going to have to carry deadweight for the next mile or so and all by myself, too.
  16. For the next half hour or so, I make a huge effort to drag William and while doing so, William has murmured embarrassingly random things. All the while, I laugh quietly, careful to not let anyone hear me. The funny things he say make my pain a whole lot less. Finally, the number of trees surrounding us is getting less and less, and soon, William and I approach the end of the forest. I notice a winding path ahead of us and I instantly know that it is a road. Right away I feel reliefed, knowing that I can get William to safety soon enough. However, things can change in a second. My vision becomes blurry and that leads to me falling out of exhaustion. As my body hits the ground, I barely make out a silhouette approaching from a distance and the sounds of hooves and neighs coming closer. Then, all too soon, my vision turns black.
  17. END! I know it isn't the best cliffhanger out there but I did my best. Oh, how the time fly by past and looking at the clock now it is 4:34AM. Wow, that is sure late. I know I haven't posted a quiz for a long time but I have been busy a lot again. I tried making this part longer to make up for it and I have another part waiting to be written out. It should be ready in a couple of weeks and I'll try to meet that deadline. About twenty questions... Did not seem like it to me but it seems that my quizzes are getting longer -.-' ... Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Lol. Anyway, I wonder if you're thinking about Will right now. You won't know until a few parts later so suspense with him! I think that it's better that way anyway because the story plot might get confusing if I just keep going back and forth. Please read the results because I need a bit of help so suggestions would do. By the way, in my opinion, I like the last part better.
  18. Oh! Also, I wanted to thank the readers for remembering this series even though I haven't posted in months. Sorry!!!! :( If you haven't read it before, then thank you for reading it now. Special shout-out to xxblutixx who still remembers my series though I'm sure a lot probably doesn't due to my long-time overdue part. Dumb me! XD She also has mentioned my quizzes a couple times so I thank her for that. I love her quizzes and she is one of my top 3 most favourite authors on GTQ!!!! And from what I can tell, she is a nice and very funny person too. Again, I thank her and all of you.
  19. One more thing, I'm going to delay on my "Mysterious Love" series since I'm having major writer block though I'm having a gist of what to do for it... :/ This doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing it but that I'm going to postpone writing for it until I do. It's weird that I'm writing for this series still but it gets 50 views but the other gets at least 100. I like writing this one more :) .

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