My Quiz, For YOU to help ME | Comments

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  • You remind me of when I was 13... seriously, this is creepily simalar to what happened to me. Well, with bullies I think you should just ignore them. Their stupid opinion doesn't count anyway. I am constantly making fun of mean people in my head and it's funny cuz they don't realize that you're laughing at THEM. And with the guy... it doesn't matter if he likes you, just whatever you do, DON'T EVER let him convince you to go out with him... if it's anything like what happened to me, then it will end BADLY. One more thing, I also used to be scared in my own home. Chances are the problem is just in your head and you are worrying too much. Try to calm down a bit, and you should feel better.

  • Oh dont worry I was (soorta) bullied before but i've always been crazy so i started telling them 'Touch me and I'll hit u were it HURTS' and trust me they baked off but they annoy me once in a while. Oh and yeah there was always one guy who would annoy me and I'd annoy him and everyone kept saying he likes me but i we both would be like ewww but we would fight like brother and sister....

  • I say if they make fun of your mom you need to punch there face. Also having a animal friend is good. Im paranoid to actually but you'll get over it in time. Really though punch them in the *BLEEP*ing face if they bring up your mum mum! And maybe read the bible that will help to!


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