My Legend of Zelda Fantasy

I made this in the middle of the night so don't judge me. This is not my characters they belong to nintendo. Enjoy! BTW no it is not supposed to be based on a certain game.

Do you like legend of zelda? Do you like fan made stuff? Then take this quiz to see my little fantasy world of the Legend of Zelda part 1! yay LoZ c u

Created by: Unikat2

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Link's Dream: There is a gleaming sword in the middle of the dark room. Link takes it and pulls it from its stand. From behind him comes a lovely blonde girl his age walking twords him , but is quickly grabed by a giant black monster!!! then Link dramatically wakes up! "What was that?" Link asked himself. Still dazed from his dream, Link makes his way out of his room, out of his hideout (basically an advanced tree house), and wanders around aimlessly around at midnight.
  2. Link ends up at a sparkling spring at the edge of a cliff with shimmering white sand. He falls asleep staring at the hypnotic waters. Boing! Something hard and painful hit Link in the head. "What do you think you're doing up here so early?" a voice said from above him. It was Nimi, a little neighbor girl of Link's. The hard thing was a nut that she had dropped on him. "Thair wants you to come right away. When he didn't find you in your tree he got worried." Nimi said. Thair is her Uncle, who is like the leader of their village. Link was an orphan so he is very low ranking.
  3. Link stands up, yawns and stretches. "Come on sleepy head, we got to go!" Nimi said and tugged at his sleeve. The two of them rush down the cliff and to the ring of stones at the center of the village. "There you are Link! I thought you were missing. I'm glad that you are finally here now so that I can tell you something," Thair says, "the thing is... I think you have great potential and today I am giving you a chance to prove yourself. Now I know you are not used to the idea of being a protector, but That seems to be the only thing that you good at. He He He." Protectors were among the most important people in villages, they have the job of keeping people safe and making sure there is no trouble. *Thair tosses Link a wooden sword* "Now I want you to try and land an attack on me.
  4. The first couple of swings with the dummy sword were misses. "Try harder and faster. and don't step out of the stone circle" thair said. Afew good hits out of link and everyone thought he was done when he landed a jumping spin attack!
  5. *everyone gasps* "Where did you learn that?!" everyone wanted to know. The truth is even Link couldn't answer that, because he never had any training. Ever since that strange dream Link felt different. "Well, you proved you have the ability to be a protector. I give you permission to start training and you can keep that sword. You will need a shield though. Meet me at my tree." said Thair.
  6. Now at Thair and Nimi's tree: "here link, this is an old wood shield of mine and I think you should have it." Thair said. "now that you have a sword and shield you can start training." Link smirks at all that has happened in this short morning of his. His whole life had changed. At training ground: Link scars up and old tree with the little wooden sword of his. After that he tried moving targets and completely failed at it. By now it has been hours of practicing and was getting late. Link went back to his tree and slept (a lot of course)
  7. Today was a new day for link! his dreamless slumber gave him some peace and Link is well rested for the harsh training that lies ahead. With a fresh mind Link passed the moving targets test on his first try. Next was with an opponent. Months went by when Link and other protector trainees fought each other. After a year of hard work and full of training for combat and of course protecting, Thair sent Nimi to get Link once more. "Uncle Thair wants you really quick so don't be late this time." Nimi said to Link At his tree. Rushing over, Link couldn't imagine what lay in store for him when he got to Thair's tree.
  8. At thair's tree: "Good to see you made it Link. Come sit." *Link sits down uneasily* Thair said. "I called you here. because, you might have noticed weird things are going on...(like his dream)...and we need to be ready for the worst. Rumors of a vast evil planning to take over the land of Hyrule has become realized. Reports of missing young children are showing up in the villages near the desert. I want to make you a true protector. I know that you had less than half the ususual training, but these are dangerous times and we need all the help we can get. I will promote you to full time Protector and I present you with this iron sword instead of that wooden one. Now go to those vilages next to the desert and really hurry this time!"
  9. After Link arives at village next to the desert called Sicand Village from Deepern Village (Link's villlage) he is immediatly put on duty. Patroling roads, checking for any trouble, and that sort of things. This Bored Link out of his mind and he kept on pondering about the weird dream he had a year ago. When all of a sudden the ground shakes, there is a loud thundering sound, and the skky is filled with ash! What had happened?!?!
  10. Should I make part 2?

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