My First Shout Out Quiz

Hello, fellow life forms. Thank you for coming to "My First Shout Out Quiz". I hope you enjoy it. If I forget to mention your name, I'm incredibly sorry.

Please let me know in the comments whether you would prefer a music or video game quiz. Also, please remember to take my other awesome quizzes. Goodbye!

Created by: Olive Girl
  1. I would first like to make a shout out to Hiccstrid. You are my best friend and you are fun to talk to.
  2. I would next like to give a shout out to Dark_Soul_Lord. You are so kind and you always have my back.
  3. Shout out to Zaxx. You are very funny and I enjoy RPing with you.
  4. Shout out to Zankyou. You are a great GTQ sister to me and you are always caring for others.
  5. Shout out to Shadow. You are a great GTQ brother-in-law to me and you are so kind.
  6. Shout out to katqueen. You were my first friend on GTQ and always stick up for me.
  7. Shout out to Otaku. You are an amazing person, and you are always there for me when I'm down.
  8. Shout out to Cheese. You are a beautiful person, inside and out. Thank you for always making me smile.
  9. Shout out to S_N (Silent Night). You are always so nice to everyone and you make me laugh.
  10. Thank you so much for taking my first official shout out quiz!
  11. If I didn't mention your name, I apologize. I will be making another shout out quiz in the future.
  12. Please remember to comment!

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