Mrtlexifys life

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My quiz is a test of your skills of how well you guys and girls know mrtlexify. This teat will test everything you know about mrtlexifys videos and his life as a YouTuber

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the same brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Mickmason2014
  1. What is mrtlexifys least favourite gun
  2. What is mrtlexifys least favourite map
  3. Who is better mrdalekjd or thesmithplays
  4. What colour is mrtlexifys chair
  5. How many Subscribblers does mrtlexify have
  6. How many videos does mrtlexify have
  7. What is mrtlexifys most recent series
  8. Does lex have darkmatter
  9. Who did mrtlexify do a 1v1 quickscope with
  10. What is the zombie map with the highest round (all zombies are included)
  11. What is the highest round ever in zombies

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