movies that match your life

my quiz is about you about what movies are most like you if you have fun or not and i am just trying to match you up with a movie that really reflects on your life. hope you enjoy

Have you always wanted to know what your life story matches up with the best movie if your life is like any of the four movies i have selected if you would like to find out what movie is in your soul come along now.

Created by: captincrunch2704
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your life at school like
  2. have you ever had someone you know and love or someone that you know has a loved one they have lost
  3. what is your favourite movie rhat relates to your life most
  4. what is your favouriute colour
  5. what is your favourite song
  6. what is your family like
  7. are you poular
  8. favourite food
  9. do you have freinds/boyfriend
  10. do you have fun most days

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Quiz topic: Movies that match my life